Top 5 Legit Ways to Earn as a Java Programmer!

There are many ways to earn as a Java Programmer and earn anywhere between 20$ – 90$/Hour working part time or full time. 

This article assumes that you have knowledge on the entire stack of Java Technologies. If you don’t, I’d recommend you to watch this Webinar and even get free access to full stack Java Courses! 

1. Freelancing

Most people don’t know the potential of Freelancing. Freelancers tend to get paid 2 or 3 times more than salaried employees. The reason being that the freelancers work on per task/project basis and the companies will have flexibility to hire them only when they absolutely need them. It’s actually cheaper for them to pay more, than paying less for a salaried employee.

If you are new to Freelancing, watch our recent Webinar on Full Stack Java Developer will reveal few tactics to start your freelancing journey. 

2. Technical Writing

Are you good at writing stories? Articles? Well, you can get paid anywhere between 60$ to 150$ for just writing a 800 word article. There are many blogs/websites that offer authors to write articles for them and get paid in return.

All you’d need is the skill of writing articles in a manner that engages the reader and knowledge on the subject you write. May working professionals does it, and make generate sustainable side income.

3. Become a Full Stack Developer

The demand for skilled Full Stack Java Developers amongst employers is very high. In fact, as per Indeed, Full Stack Java Developers are in great demand with salaries being 77% higher than the average salary!

However, not everyone can be qualified as Full Stack Java Developers, as most people only have knowledge on Java and not other technologies like Microservies, REST API, AWS, Docker, Database, etc.

If you want to know the perfect Learning Path to become a Full Stack Java Developer, do check this Webinar!

4. Create Apps!

Android takes about 70% of the mobile market, with Java/Kotlin being the official language of choice for developing Android applications!

Being and Android developer is very rewarding because, you not only would be able to create apps for yourself and put them in the App Store, but you can also find freelance projects around it.

5. Become a Consultant!

This a form of freelancing work and is one of the most lucrative options to generate extra income as a Java Developer. There any many people out there, who are new to the domain and are willing to pay for your consultation. Some even charge 300$/Hour, depending on the experience and the depth of knowledge they have.

The consultation could be to fix an issue or take help to manage a project or to simply get your suggestion on something technical.